Friday, February 24, 2006

Curious, that smell is...

Well I can already see that this blog will not be updated on a daily basis, as the very busy and very lazy Dirk often compete, leaving little time for fun little projects.

Our pal, Zambo, has this little quiz on his blog, so I decided to give it a try. I’m not sure what to think about the results. After all, Yoda wasn't really all that smart. Sure, he could detect the inner most feelings and thoughts of those around him, but for some reason could not detect a secret army of thousands and thousands of clones. Understanding of this, I am not.

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

On a brighter note, the back is starting to feel better. I can once again stand up without doubling over or using something for support. And that's a good thing.

While watching TV lately, I have noticed a growing number of commercials for products that make a room/house smell better. There are sprays for you furniture and carpets, and various items that you plug into a socket or take batteries that keep the room smelling like a forest or something. I have to wonder, are these things really necessary? I mean, come on. Does your room smell so bad that you need to buy a bottle of unknown chemicals and spray it around the room? Why not just keep in clean? Do we really need to spend so much time/money/effort on creating and placing chemicals into our environment just so it smells better? I just think its a little rediculous. Its like some companies will think of anything to get us to spend our money. Should our scientists really be spending thier expertise and skills on coming up with the latest rain forest scent for our living rooms? It just strikes me as a little odd, and extremely unnecessary.

Well, I guess that's my rant for this post. I'm sure I have more to say on a plethora of topics (I've been dying to use that word), but my mid is a bit scattered this morning. Perhaps once the coffee has kicked in.

That's all for now folks, you may resume your reguar scheduled program.

Until next time,


Monday, February 20, 2006

Where the beer flows like wine...

I found this little nugget of information this morning, about a wonderful tour and open house of a historic district in Amsterdam – The Red Light District. Apparently, to alleviate fears and dispel rumours, the Red Light District held its first “open house” where one could see behind the red curtains, and view a prostitute’s bedroom, watch a free peep show, or chat with a lap-dancer. Now that’s a way for the family to spend a Saturday afternoon…. I think those marketing people may have gone a little too far.

Having lived in Amsterdam, and specifically the Red Light District, (lived, not worked) I can personally attest to the unique attributes of this historic place… but an open house? Is there anyone who really wonders what goes on there, I mean, it is a little obvious, isn’t it? Maybe it’s just me, but the idea of an open house is funny…

As for this weekend, despite the back-pain, it was a good one. Finally some time to spend at home with Wife and Children. Children especially needed to have me around, having spent the last 3 months completing my Masters Thesis, I have essentially been a stressed-out ghost around the house.

And as an update on the Dick Cheney shooting a man in the face story, John Stewart has officially downgraded the story from "hilariously funny" to "extremely funny but a little sad", following a mild heart attack suffered by Cheney’s victim. Since he was released from the hospital, I wonder if the story will be upgraded any time soon. After all, it is sort of “hilariously funny”.

By the way, I’m still new at this blogging thing, so its going to take me a while before I get the hang of adding pics, links, and the sort, but I am working on it.

Until next time,Dirk

Friday, February 17, 2006

So I says to Mabel, I says…

Today is Friday, and I don’t have any plans for the weekend, a truly rare event – and my back is killing me. So much for a fun, relaxing weekend. I hurt my back years ago, and every once in a while, and for no apparent reason, it all flares up again. This time is the worst though. Oh well, enough of my complaining.

I finally made another CD for the car last week, after keeping the same Johnny Cash CD since before Xmas.. (that’s right, I said Xmas, and I stand by that). This CD was not just for me though, so I had to add some songs that would otherwise not make my playlist. Wife and I have slightly different tastes in music, though Children have a combination of both. Since the family travels together, everyone got a few songs. Wife’s addition of Michael Bubble and James Blunt I could do without, but Children like them as well. Luckily, Children also like my choices of the acoustic “Wanted Dead or Alive” by Bon Jovi (from back in the day) and The Trews. Strangely, it was I who found and added an acoustic live version of Mmm Bop. (That’s right, Hanson… even they can have their moments)

Even with my sore back, Wife and I hope to get some work done around the house. We both recognize that organization is the key to success… we recognize that because we are not successful… Our place is small, unorganized, and that is driving us crazy. So, we decided that this would be there to get the place in shape. We did the kids rooms last week, started the office area, and the kitchen. Hopefully the kitchen can get done this weekend. The kitchen is important, since so much time is spent there, and hopefully more can be.

On top of all the other oddness that is I, I am also an amateur chocolatier. That’s as strange to write as it is to say, but alas, it’s true. I love chocolate, and over the last several years have spent a lot of time and money studying, experimenting, and eating. I guess its all a part of that OCD, but when I take an interest, I tend to go all out, and I suppose as far as vices go, there are worse things than chocolate. I’m sure many parts of this little journal o’ mine will detail my chocolate obsession. Once I figure out more of this blogging business, I’ll be sure to post some images.

That’s all for now folks, I’ve got some "Deathcab for Cutie" playing and a little bit of ambition, so I should do some work work.

Until next time,

Thursday, February 16, 2006

And so it begins...

Good news everyone!

Well, I guess that's all the fanfare. I now have a presence on the Internets. Good for me.

This is just a place for me to rant, vent, discuss, argue, and imbue all about stuff what I think about.

Welcome to my mind, and enjoy the ride.