Monday, August 14, 2006

Ah, my eye! My doctor said I wasn't supposed to get pudding in it

Okay, I said I would update again soon, so here I am. Not much to say. The world seems to be going to hell in a hand basket, but nothing out of the ordinary. Hey, how about my first movie review… sure why not. Last week I went to see Clerks 2. I finally got a night out, so Friend and I smoked a joint and went to the show.

I prefer to see movies stoned. I seem to relax more and can pay closer attention to the movie. It’s just more enjoyable with my mind free and body relaxed, and a bag of chocolate treats in my lap. I can say that Clerks 2 is not for everyone. If you didn’t see the original, and liked it, don’t bother seeing the sequel. If you don’t like Kevin Smith’s movies, you won’t like this one. I thought the movie was fantastic. I love the way Smith works the dialogue, and he has a knack for putting the right people in the right roles. I thought this one picked up nicely from the original. Plus, Smith has never shied away from putting in conversations and scenes that you just would never expect. Without giving out too much, let’s just say that there are scenes that centre around a “donkey show from Tijuana”, a hilarious conversation on the subject of “Ass to Mouth”, and one short exchange that goes like this:

Dude: Is that the fuckin’ Bible?

Jay: Yo’, that’s the Holy fuckin’ Bible!

Classic movie lines if I ever heard one. And I’m sure there are others, I was just too stoned to really remember. I do remember that I loved the movie though, so, giddy-up.

I left this note for a while, and have now completely lost my train of thought, so I suppose I should wrap this up for today.

You stay classy blogworld,


Saturday, August 05, 2006

My Triumphant Return,

Okay, maybe not so triumphant, but I am back to blogworld. My bad on the delay in updating. Real life has been a little hectic, and I just didn't feel like sharing. Just for kicks, lets recap that last many weeks since I last visited.

That great job I wanted? No dice. Had a great interview, extremely qualified. The person who got had two things on me. 1) Was enrolled in a program that looked better to the boss. 2) she did not have a penis. Apparently, the hiring manager prefered a female for the role. just his preference. Oh well. I was pissed, but not too pissed. I can't beat the program she is enrolled in, even with my recent MA, this program is even more specific to the type of company we are, and I can't beat it.

Maybe it all turned into a blessing. I was pretty pissed, not just that I did not get that job, but that I wanted out of the one I am in. So I started to get a little bolder, a little more aggressive, and may end up changing my job into something I would like to do. Others have noticed what I have been doing, and I have been inserting myself into various meetings, taking on projects no one had thought of, or wants to touch. The CEO has noticed, and that goes a long way. Plus, my current manager is willing to support me to do a PhD program part-time. Its getting there.

What else? Well, not much. I have been in a bit of a funk lately, and not the groovy kind. Don't know why, just very frustrated. I need more to do at work, and its slow. I feel bad that I'm not making more money for the family, that simple things seem to be a struggle, I hate being so busy that regular life feels rushed. I hate not having the time, or the money, or the opportunity to take a night off and smoke a big fat joint, eat come cookies and watch a couple terrible movies.

The funk is slowly lifting though. I am finally feeling like I am ready to quit smoking (cigarettes, not pot) and that has been a big struggle for me. I hate smoking, and am fully aware of how bad it is, but that doesn't make it any easier to quit. But I think I am ready for a real try. Things at work are slowly changing, and that helps.

In a bizarre twist, I have been in negotiations with the CEO of a television production company to host, write, produce, and licencen my own tv show. The negotiations have just started, so there is a ways to go, but it is a very real possibility. That would be very cool. A little strange, but cool.

That's all for now folks, I have certainly rambled enough for one post. I will try to update a little more frequently in the near future. Perhaps I will have have a witty or snappy title to my next post. Probably not, so don't get your hopes up.

Until next time, you stay classy!
