Thursday, November 30, 2006

Some days life just sucks

Hey Blogworld,

Things are not well in Dirk's world today. Yesterday afternoon, while waiting on the platform to take the train home to his family, my brother-in-law died. Just like that. He collapsed on the platform. There were three other people waiting as well, one doctor and two nurses, and they performed CPR until paramedics came, who worked on him for another 40 minutes. Nothing worked at all. They didn't even bring him to the hospital. He wasn't sick. Though he had some health issues in his past, he was very active, and just saw his doctor last month. Now he is gone.

He was 41 years old, with two daughters aged 6 and 4. Needless to say, everyone is in shock. He called home at 3:45 to say he would meet the family at the gym. By 5:30 he was dead. When he didn't show up at the gym, everyone assumed he missed the train. Then he was still late to be home, and no phone call. While his wife was on the phone to his mother (who was on a cruise), the kids began to yell because the police were at the door.

When you hear something like this, so close to you, you can't help but project - what if this was me, or what if this was in my home. Its completly heart-breaking. My kids have handled things great. When Eldest talked to her cousin on the phone this morning, she said "don't worry, my dad is great and I will share him with you." Youngest immediately drew a card for his aunt and cousins, and included an angel with their dad's name on it.

I really don't have much else to say at this point.

Keep those you love close, and don't waste time on the silly shit. Its just not worth it.

I'll post again soon.

You stay classy, Blogworld.

Until next time,

Friday, November 24, 2006

A little glimpse,

Hey Blogworld… I know, its been a while, but I’m a lazy, lazy man – yet still so very busy. Here’s the quick down-low of Dirk’s existence.

Another job interview. Yep, finally a potential job came up that I had an inkling of interest in and still paid the bills. I had my first interview on Wednesday, and should find out about the next step next week. I think I did really well, and have a good shot. I am very qualified, and as usual, work really hard on preparing. I just need better pay, and to get out of the department I am in now. We’ll see what happens soon enough.

My show. It’s still moving forward. Slowly. I have one more call to my specialist, a meeting to finalize the episodes, and we are set to sign a contract. We should be ready by the end of January to pitch it to the networks. My production company is planning on pitching to markets in Canada, the U.S. and A, U.K., and Western Europe. That makes up about 100 million possible viewers (that’s how many subscribe), so it’s all getting pretty serious and just a little frightening.

I did manage to squeeze in a little fun as of late, and that’s always good. I had a boys night a few weeks ago and got very nicely baked. Good times. I also managed to come away with a few extra joints so I went and saw Borat. I gotta say that movie is brilliant. It was funny, thoroughly offensive, and a disturbing view into far too many people’s reality. Simply awesome and very highly recommended. Of course, I was high when I saw it, but I think it would still hold up for those who like to see movies sober. I’m just not one of those people.

What am I listening to? Let’s just see. In no particular order:

1) Thunder Road – Bruce Springsteen (a rare demo version, poor recording but amazing)
2) I Don’t Like Mondays – Bob Geldof (solo, piano only from Secret Policeman’s Ball)
3) Sympathy For The Devil – Jane’s Addiction (live acoustic, from album XXX)
4) Castles Made of Sand – Amanda Marshal (live @ MuchMusic, 1996)
5) Medley – Led Zeppelin (bootleg live medley of “For What it’s Worth/Saw Her Standing There)

These are the highlights anyway.

All else is chugging along. Family is good, children are great, life continues.

Another update to follow, at some time, probably.

You stay classy Blogworld.

Until next time,