Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A little update, a little clarification

Hey Blogworld,

Yes, it’s true, I am indeed back with another post. Life is busy in Dirk’s world. Trying to clean things up to finish up this week. It’s been very interesting around here since it was announced I was leaving the company. A lot of people have called or stopped by, most of them very surprised, and a lot of other disappointed. That’s nice to hear. A family I have been dealing with for the last several months got a hold of my boss yesterday, and said that they will only deal with me to conclude this little project, which is not quite done. So now the company would like to hire me free-lance in my spare time to finish this project. No problem, but my rate goes up big-time at the end of this week.

This afternoon my boss called me in, and it seems HR has done some digging, and it appears I was supposed to have my job re-graded last year – but it was never done, and no one knows why. As I explained to boss, money was the key – they are not paying me nearly enough, and someone else will. Apparently a couple of people who were interested in my job, are no longer interested – because of the pay. So she apologized a little (a little too late). I told her if I was paid properly, I would not be leaving, and its too late now. She seemed pissed, but I think mostly because now it’s turning into an issue, and she is going to have to take some of the responsibility. Oh well.

I met up with Friend (see He Said, She Said) last week, and had a great visit with her and her little one. One question she had for me made me think, so I better clarify something here. She asked if I used to smoke pot after dropping her home from a night out. (I tended to stay out a little late back in the day). Probably because I have mentioned a few times here that I do enjoy the weed. And no, I did not smoke pot after I dropped her off. I didn’t really start until my second year of university.

But let me set things straight – I am not a total stoner. I was, for a while, but that was a long time ago. I don’t think weed is for everyone, or that it should be a daily thing. I spent a couple of years stoned, and had a great time. But those days are long gone, and while I do enjoy the odd spliff, that’s all they are – odd. I get a couple of joints 4 or 5 times a year, and that’s it. We have a “boys night” about 3 times a year, and get pretty high, but I’m also a lightweight now. It doesn’t take me much anymore.

So, every once in a while for a treat, I get some cookies, put in a movie, spark one up, and chill out quietly by myself. That’s really all there is to it. I find it very relaxing, fun, and a great way for me to just veg out for a little while with my own headspace. Just thought I would clarify a little.

So that’s the quick (but long) update of Dirks world. We actually have the weekend to ourselves for a change, so we’ll probably just take it easy and start to prepare for the big changes that start on Monday when I start the new job. I’ll post again soon, probably, as I seem to be getting into a new groove these days.

You stay classy, Blogworld.

Until next time,


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