Friday, February 24, 2006

Curious, that smell is...

Well I can already see that this blog will not be updated on a daily basis, as the very busy and very lazy Dirk often compete, leaving little time for fun little projects.

Our pal, Zambo, has this little quiz on his blog, so I decided to give it a try. I’m not sure what to think about the results. After all, Yoda wasn't really all that smart. Sure, he could detect the inner most feelings and thoughts of those around him, but for some reason could not detect a secret army of thousands and thousands of clones. Understanding of this, I am not.

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

On a brighter note, the back is starting to feel better. I can once again stand up without doubling over or using something for support. And that's a good thing.

While watching TV lately, I have noticed a growing number of commercials for products that make a room/house smell better. There are sprays for you furniture and carpets, and various items that you plug into a socket or take batteries that keep the room smelling like a forest or something. I have to wonder, are these things really necessary? I mean, come on. Does your room smell so bad that you need to buy a bottle of unknown chemicals and spray it around the room? Why not just keep in clean? Do we really need to spend so much time/money/effort on creating and placing chemicals into our environment just so it smells better? I just think its a little rediculous. Its like some companies will think of anything to get us to spend our money. Should our scientists really be spending thier expertise and skills on coming up with the latest rain forest scent for our living rooms? It just strikes me as a little odd, and extremely unnecessary.

Well, I guess that's my rant for this post. I'm sure I have more to say on a plethora of topics (I've been dying to use that word), but my mid is a bit scattered this morning. Perhaps once the coffee has kicked in.

That's all for now folks, you may resume your reguar scheduled program.

Until next time,



Blogger Zambo said...

Hey Dirk.

Glad your back is feeling better.

I know what you mean about the scents and the lack of sense it makes...

"Smell matters not. Judge me by my scent do you?"

I took a little break from Blogsville too...I thought I'd stop by and see what's new.

Take care, Dirk!

Your Pal,


9:57 PM  
Blogger BeatDogg said...

Hey Dirk, good post... I wonder if there's any correlation between our tendency to use chemicals for everything we can think of and the growing incidence of environmental allergies. I remember reading something a few years ago about fabric softeners and how bad they are for you... then again, every other day "they" seem to change their mind about what is carcinogenic and what isn't...

Jay Pinkerton has a similar post at his site: about a product called "Urine Gone!" that really makes you wonder about the hygiene standards of the average North American these days. That being said, a friend of mine feels that Febreze is a perfectly good product for treating the puddles of hyper-allergenic, pheromone-drenched cat cologne that his un-fixed cat sprays around his apartment whenever it is in heat. This may be the bias of someone who is allergic to cats, but with few exceptions, I will never understand how anyone could want one of those goddamn creatures for a pet. People say, "Oh, they have so much personality!" Whatever. Hitler had a lot of personality too. At least he wouldn't piss on your carpet and shit in the corner.


5:31 PM  
Blogger Dirk Richter said...

Hey Beatdogg,

Thanks for dropping by. I'm sure there is a link between allergies and the massive amount of chemicals in our everyday lives, I don't see how there could not be. Febreeze is near the top of my list of "totally useless products". The ads for this are constantly in rotation, and sum up your example perfectly. Room smell like piss? Don't clean it.. just Febreeze it! Our ancestors would cringe at the complete laziness.

Until next time,

10:25 AM  

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