Monday, February 20, 2006

Where the beer flows like wine...

I found this little nugget of information this morning, about a wonderful tour and open house of a historic district in Amsterdam – The Red Light District. Apparently, to alleviate fears and dispel rumours, the Red Light District held its first “open house” where one could see behind the red curtains, and view a prostitute’s bedroom, watch a free peep show, or chat with a lap-dancer. Now that’s a way for the family to spend a Saturday afternoon…. I think those marketing people may have gone a little too far.

Having lived in Amsterdam, and specifically the Red Light District, (lived, not worked) I can personally attest to the unique attributes of this historic place… but an open house? Is there anyone who really wonders what goes on there, I mean, it is a little obvious, isn’t it? Maybe it’s just me, but the idea of an open house is funny…

As for this weekend, despite the back-pain, it was a good one. Finally some time to spend at home with Wife and Children. Children especially needed to have me around, having spent the last 3 months completing my Masters Thesis, I have essentially been a stressed-out ghost around the house.

And as an update on the Dick Cheney shooting a man in the face story, John Stewart has officially downgraded the story from "hilariously funny" to "extremely funny but a little sad", following a mild heart attack suffered by Cheney’s victim. Since he was released from the hospital, I wonder if the story will be upgraded any time soon. After all, it is sort of “hilariously funny”.

By the way, I’m still new at this blogging thing, so its going to take me a while before I get the hang of adding pics, links, and the sort, but I am working on it.

Until next time,Dirk


Blogger Zambo said...

Hey Dirk.

I hope your back is feeling better.

Thanks for the chocolate information...Looking forward to more chocolate stuff!

As for the Red Light District, if this "open house" goes well, I wonder if they'll implement a "bring-your-kids-to-work" day...What would that be like? Probably not a good idea, huh?

Anyway, I just thought I'd drop by and say hi.

Take care out there and see you around Blogsville, Dirk.

Your Pal,


5:51 PM  

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