Saturday, April 07, 2007

good times.

Hey Blogworld,

So Thursday was my last day in that job, and for that company. It was a little surreal. I had a lot of people say some very nice things to me. I even had a few managers ask to keep in touch, just in case I wanted to come back. I did have an emotional attachment to this job, I created it, developed it, wrote 2 TV commercials, and did a lot, pretty much on my own, so it was a little tough to say good-bye even though I knew for certain that I made the right choice. I also ended up getting an apology from Human Resources, and one from my manager. They fucked up, no question about. The company and HR, like all larger companies, have formula's and criteria and all that sort of shit to help them figure out how much to pay their employees, and when the "industry average" goes up, to make sure we are competitive. Well, thanks to my leaving and my speaking my mind, they are realizing that they not really helping anyone, like they can't see the forest for the trees.

Basically, it came out that my particular job has gone up over the last year, and our HR saw that, but wanted to wait a year, in case the increase was a "blip". So I pointed out that for a specialist job like mine, it was hard to believe a job would go up in pay and then down the next year. And that by waiting a year, it just sounded like they are deciding to pay lower than the average for a year to save money - not really attracting or retaining the right people. Managers are kept out of the loop, so mine did not know that it had gone up and that the HR wanted to wait. So by trying to save a little money, they have lost a well trained employee, will have to raise the salary to attract anyone new, and it will take a long time to get them up to speed. It's gonna cost them more in the long-run, and even the short run. It felt good to hear that they knew the fucked up. But the decision is made, and I am gone.

I went out for a beer with a few people, and there was a couple of people that ended up staying out with me even after the others had left. I had worked with John (*fake name) a little in the last year or so. He's close to my age, and turns out we had traveled to the same places at the same time. I knew him well enough to chat for a few minutes, and that was it. His wife Jane (*fake name) joined us, we talked, drank, good times. At the end, he ended up paying for my beers, we went to their place and called some other friends over, and he had a huge bag of weed. I never would have picked him for a regular toker, but sure enough. I ended up having a lot of fun, on a somewhat emotional day for me, with people I really did not know that well at all. I was hung-over as hell though, and threw up for a few hours in the morning. Good times.

John was kind enough to even slide me a little weed, so I've got about 3 decent joints for the weekend, and I don't start my new job until Tuesday. Giddy-up.

That's most of the news from Dirk's world, but there will be more to come very soon. It looks like we are about to make a huge, rash, and drastic decision, so I will be writing very shortly to give you the update. I've already written enough for today, and this decision will take some writing to explain, so I'll save it for next week some time.

You stay classy, blogworld.

Until next time,


Blogger She's so fly said...

You must be in your new job. How's it going? What's the drastic decision all about?

1:58 PM  
Blogger Zambo said...

Hey Dirk.

Glad you got out while you could.

Sounds like they took you for granted at your old job.

I hope all goes well with all the changes to come. Best of luck in the new job!

Take care out there, buddy!

Stay Classy.

Your Pal,


6:10 PM  
Blogger Jerome Samson said...

Being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:

12:11 PM  

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