Hey Blogworld,
I just realized how fucking long it has been since I last updated. Wow. No excuses here. I just was not interested. I wrote a dozen or so missives, but just never felt the urge to post them. It’s been a rough go these last few months, lots of stuff going on and not much energy or desire to get off my ass and post. But here I am, so lets get to it.
Some big changes as of late in Dirk’s world. The big news, I finally got another job. It was all very surreal, very fast, and very much like fate. As you know, I have been looking and applying for jobs for a while. I’ve had some interviews, and got very close, but never managed to get the job. A couple of weeks ago, a head-hunter that I dealt with almost 9 years ago called me out of the blue. They usually called every couple years just to check in, but this time they called with a specific job. As fate would have it, I had just started drafting an email to them to see if they might have anything.
They called, had this job, and I explained that I had been out of this field for about 5 years, ever since I got the job I have now. They didn’t think that would matter, that it was personality and ability their client was looking for, not specific experience. I sent my resume, she passed it along, and the next day said they wanted to interview me. Three days later I went, we talked for a bout 45 minutes, and by noon the next day they had offered me the job. It’s a lot more money than I make now, there is a lot more opportunity to move up or around, and the bonus is about 8 times the bonus here.
It’s not my dream job. It’s with a huge bank, I’ll be another number, and I’m still working for the man. I won’t have the high-profile role I have now, no travel, no expense account, and no more independence like I have now. (I’m a one-man department at the moment) But given the changes these last few months, I don’t care. At least this new company doesn’t pretend to be something they are not – unlike my current employer. There is far less politics – they are so big, and my job so small, it’s all based on merit. That will be a nice change, but the best part is the money – it’s a lot more, and for my family, that’s all that matters. I have worked too hard for too little for too long in this job, and it was not getting me anywhere. I am supposed to think a note from the CEO is enough recognition. It is not. I put my job first for the last few years, because my boss knew they had my by the short and curlies - wife working part-time, very unique job and not enough qualifications to do the same job elsewhere. Frankly, I’m just tired of putting up with their shit in order to protect my family. Time to put us first, so I did.
We’re all pretty pleased with things. It’s a fresh start for us, and we needed that. Wife goes back full time in September, when both kids will be full time. So everyone is going to have big changes in the next 6 months, and we are looking forward to it.
On a more personal note, I finally got another tattoo last week. I had been wanting another one for years, and just found a design I liked a couple of weeks ago. I had the artist make a few changes, and got it done last Tuesday. I’ll post a picture soon. I love it, and it felt great to get it done.
There is some more to tell, but this post is long enough for now. I will post again soon (probably), with some more detail of Dirk’s world, and a picture of my new ink.
You stay classy, Blogworld.
Until next time,