Wednesday, May 10, 2006

No Catchy Title

Hey World,

Wow… another entry into the inner workings of my mind… isn’t that special. I can’t believe it either, but here we are. No vital issues or milestones in the life of Dirk, just a few minutes of free time. Plus I am starting to like this blogging thing a little more, now that I am becoming a little more comfortable with it. Life has also slowed down just a smidge, so I can hear the many voices in my head a little clearer.

I heard from a friend yesterday, and in the capacity of her job, she “has” to take some clients to a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert this fall. That’s right, she has to. How cool is that? The company is going to pay for the tickets, pay her salary, and probably pay for the diner and drinks before hand… and somehow that is called work. Why can’t I have a job like that? I know its not all glory, and it can be tough to be “on” and working in these situations, where the client expects to be entertained and have their company needs met, so there is no doubt there is pressure, but still – it’s the Chili Peppers. I have to make a case to take public transit into “the city” for the day. Just a little bit of envy here folks, and I can see that. She does deserve the perks anyway, ‘cause she’s cool like that. I just think its odd & interesting how our economy works sometimes. And that concludes our socio-political rant for today.

Dirk’s world is otherwise okay. I am a little nervous about one thing. I applied for a job within my company, which would be a nice step up and a cool job. The problem is that the HR person helping the manager is my former manager, and to say we did not get a long is an understatement. She is basically evil incarnate, so I am a little deflated that I won’t get a fair shot at the job, even though I am qualified, and have strong support from the “powers that be”. We’ll see how things end up. I did talk to a friend in HR, and he seems to think it should be okay, though he does admit that this person’s evil powers could come into play. I’ll keep you posted.

We had some news on our Youngest last night from his teacher, and it made me quite proud. It seems one child in his class (he is 4) has taken a strong liking to youngest, and won’t leave his side. This child has some heavy-duty behavioral issues. It seems Youngest told him he likes to play with him, but can’t be only with him every second at school. This child then kicked Youngest, and due to his issues, a big scene ensued. Youngest only mentioned it in passing to us, but it seems this has been going on for weeks, and Youngest keeps it in because he doesn’t want this child to get in trouble, and Youngest probably feels its partly his fault. How sweet is that? I was very proud, and of course, worried. He is only 4 and already taking on so much on himself to help another kid out and to not “rock the boat”. That explains some of Youngest behaviour the last few weeks. At least we now know the cause, and can work through it to take the guilt and pressure of youngest. It does make me feel good that he cares about others and acts on it though.

Okay, it seems I have been writing up a storm lately, going from no posts to these frequent and lengthy missives. I think that’s all the time we have today folks. Thanks for the indulgence.

You stay classy blogworld,

Until next time,


Blogger Zambo said...

Hey Buddy!

You caught me off guard with another post so soon!

It's good to hear that your youngest is so thoughtful...(but it could hurt him in the corporate world if he grows up caring about others. Just kidding...kinda)...

Best of luck with that job opportunity! Hopefully Ms. "Evil Incarnate" is not an obstacle...

Take care out there, Dirk.

Classily Yours...

Your Pal,


10:25 PM  
Blogger Dirk Richter said...

Hey Zambo,

Oh I'm not worried about him being tough enough. At the beggining of the year the class "bully" kept calling one of Youngest friends stupid, and she was very stressed about it. We heard from other parents that my son was the only one to stick up for her. He said to the bully (according to a parent how heard it) "That's not nice to call people names and make them feel bad. You wouldn't like it if I did that to you, and if you keep doing that I will give you a giant wedgie". That's my boy.

Until next time,

9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW Being the mommy of a 4 year old boy myself, Im am very impressed with your little one! What a little man.
What is his teacher saying about the scenario? Or is it not that big of a deal?

1:28 PM  
Blogger Dirk Richter said...

Hey Cori,

The teacher was really good, she had been watching for a week or so and keeping tabs. She ended up seperating the two and moving Youngest to a different "table". There was an immediate look of releif on youngest, and even though it just happened on Wednesday, we can already see the difference. She had put youngest at that table a month or so ago in the hopes that the others would learn from youngest, which makes us quite proud, but he does need some space, and it looks like this is working. Things are much better already. We were happy the teacher noticed and was paying attention. Its nice to hear that our is such a good boy even when we are not around. Is yours in school now? How is he doing?

Until next time,

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dirk! No not in school till September, but in a playgroup and hes going to start part time day care next week!
Im excited and sad at the same time, as Im sure you can imagine ,lol
Sounds like youve got a perceptive teacher there for your son! Thats great!

5:26 PM  

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