Monday, May 01, 2006

Perfectly Cromulent,

Hello world,

It has been a couple of weeks, once again, since I posted, but this time I have somewhat of an excuse. I have had to do a fair amount of travel over the last couple of weeks, and just have not been around. Three days one week in “la belle province”, and a three days last week in the prairies, all for the sake of meetings, meetings, and more meetings.

At least it was somewhat productive. On my most recent trip, I ran into a friend from my University days, which turned out to be the most fun I have had in years. I have not seen or heard from this particular person since around 1993, and even, though we had friends in common and knew each other well enough to say hello and engage in idle chit-chat, we were not best friends or spent all that much time together. But, we did always like each other and always got along well.

What meant to be a 15-minute coffee to say hello, turned into 5 hours of beer and non-stop conversation, and it was the most fun I have had in a long, long time. It’s hard to describe, but it was the kind of thing were it was just great conversation, that never felt forced. We basically knew nothing of the others lives over the last 16 years and spent the time bringing each other up to date, talking about past friends we have heard of or from, and about some of the similarities our lives have taken – spouse, kids, corporate job, all that stuff that seemed so foreign and far away in our past life. The thing that made the evening so memorable, was that it seemed like the first time in years I didn’t have to be in character – I didn’t need to be professional Dirk, or husband Dirk, or Dad Dirk, or student Dirk – I just got to be me, and I don’t think I have had that luxury in a long while, and I left with the feeling that maybe I’m not as big a loser as I always think I am. It was a nice and surprising little boost. In the end it felt like a made a new friend, and that’s always good.

I suppose that is what’s happening in Dirks world as of late. On another bright note, both Eldest and Youngest children have started to learn how to ride a bike, without training wheels. Eldest learned first, and picked it up pretty quickly. That’s not much of a surprise given her competitive nature and intense drive to learn everything. Once Youngest saw what she could do, he quickly asked for his training wheels to come off. He’s a little more cautious than his sister, but with a little extra convincing and praise, he’s on his way too. Its funny to see the differences in the children, they are both so very different, even though they are very close in age (14 months apart – that’s right. See what a good Scotch can do?) and raised in the same way, they are very different in how they approach things. Its also very funny to watch.

Well, I guess that’s it for now world. This ended up being a little longer of a post than I expected, but I suppose I had more to say than I thought. Life has started to slow down a little, so I expect to post a little more frequently.

You stay classy, Blogworld.

Until next time,


Blogger Zambo said...

Hey Dirk!

Good to have you back!

Glad to hear that you had a chance to let loose a little...Sometimes it's good to run into a person from the past, and to catch up...(other times, not so much)...

Talk to you soon, buddy!

Take care out there!

Your Classy Pal,


7:26 AM  

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